
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Shout Out!

I am very close to raising the amount needed in order to register for my jump! I would like to give a hearty shout out to those who have contributed thus far:

my dear girl Katie A. who is only one of three people who indicated a willingness to jump with me;
my very first social work student, Megan S., who did this very same jump several years back;
long-time friend and ex-boyfriend (you'll never live that title down) Aaron;
friend and former colleague Chauna;
friend and former colleague/board member Alfredo;
new blogging friend Heidi;
fellow preschool mom Honey Lee;
friend and HCP mom-alum Kate;
the dear Miss Velma who went to hear Eve Ensler with Cole and me;
my long-lost, separated at birth, JT & cheerleading-lovin sister Mary;
another friend gleaned from HCP and afternoons scrapbooking while her daughter got my son to clean her room, Megan R.;
friend of many years and a daredevil/risktaker extraordinairre, Trish;
friend all the way from high school, Liz;
mom in the neighborhood pal, Karen (sorry my Sam bit your Sam!);
my dearest Wa;
the incomparable Ansu;
and David C., my guide into Judaism and a damn fine papa to my dear Eve.

You are all the best!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Less than six degrees to Hugh

I realized this weekend with a start that I am a mere five degrees away from Hugh Laurie. Debbi, that means you are only six away!!

Degree #1: my colleague and friend Kerry

Degree #2: Kerry's husband Ron

Degree #3: Ron's son Stefan

Degree #4: Stefan's bandmate Dave

Degree #5: Dave guest stars on House featuring (drumroll)
***Hugh Laurie**

- Crazy/Hip Blog-Mamas+
(Random Site)