
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Return of the Bell

No, not you, Chel.

Last year at Sam's preschool The Bell was the source of many a fit and Bad Day. (Mommy: Did you have a good day? Sammy: "No, I didn't get to ring the bell. It was a bad day.") Miss Colleen had a bell that one child each day would ring at clean up time. If it wasn't Sam's day, look out.

Well, The Bell had followed us to the new school. On Wednesdays, they have "hill day," and go to plat atop a nearby hill. When it's time to return to the classroom, one child has the job of ringing the bell.


So this past Wednesday was Clare's day. But while on the hill, Sam grabbed the bell from her little hands and TOOK OFF! Clare was very upset by this of course, and the valiant Max decided to right the he clobbered Sam. The teacher said she braced for Sam's screams but instead--

he laughed hysterically! A wrestling game! And Bell theivery!
It's all good.


At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice!! Sam should be a quarterback :D


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