
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Contest winners!

People! When there is a contest to guess something, you must guess! No one guessed correctly, but as the only participants, Cole and Heidi are our winners. I'll buy you each a frosty treat at the pool!

See now, aren't you sorry you didn't participate?

The answer is:
Metal lunchboxes! I collect vintage ones and the list I gave was the ones I have. My favorites: Dr Suess (love the Cat in the Hat), Julia (for sentimental reasons--long story), Campus Queen (in excellent shape) and Harlem Globetrotters (love the artwork).


At 8:55 AM, Blogger cole edwards said...

OH! I love lunch boxes!!! that is so cool.

Where do you keep them? I don't remember seeing them at your house???


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