Another Baltimore girl
Kim is gone, her sons now have no mother. Her siblings have lost another. She had so many people who adored her, and I don't think she even knew. She crashed to the bottom and clawed her way back, and then crashed again. She never got to be a nurse, and she would have been a really good one. She did buy a house, get her boys back, see one graduate from high school and get a scholarship to Georgetown. I hope he goes back and becomes the physician she hoped he would. I hope her younger son can make it through adolescence safely, with no more bullies or suicide attempts, no further sinking into the abyss that awaits Black male youth in Baltimore City.
I can only hope she had some peace, and that she is able to watch over her sons from wherever she is now. Kim, if you're listening, I hope you know I tried my hardest. I wish I could have given you more of whatever it was you really needed. We all love you and will forever miss you. It's hard to believe you're gone.
dearest sweet G.
Kisses and hugs to you. In person if you are up for it. call me...
Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me know if there's anything I can do. xoxo
still thinking of you sweetie.
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