
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hot small town

So my plan today was to return to the pool, but my friend Casey was on his own with his two kids, and we wanted to get together, and he was nervous about the pool with a 1:2 adult: child ratio. So we went to The Medium Park instead. (Sam has a Little Park, the open space one block away; the Medium Park, a grassy, semi-shady little kids park; and the Big Park, a fantastic, sprawling park at the local YMCA.) Hubby was persuaded to join us since he loves Casey. (Sometimes Casey's wife Julie---my oldest friend, since we were 12---and I wonder about the level of affection between Casey and Hubby---like maybe they'll run away together or something...)

Anyway, the park. Good God it was hot. Sam's face was bright red, not from sunburn (he was well-slathered with SPF 50) but from HEAT. His hair was wet with sweat, and he attempted to dry it by rubbing a fistful of grass on his head. (This does not work, in case you're wondering.)

My other plan for the day was to see my friend Shannon, in from San Francisco for a visit. She is staying with her friends and their toddler. She's planning on visiting me at the office tomorrow (we used to be officemates) but she has never met Sam so wanted to get a chance to see him. We hadn't firmed plans, but lo and behold! who should happen upon the very same park?? Shannon and her friends! So I got to chat with her for a while, until Sam begged me to take him home. Even though this is a city of 700,000 or something, it sure feels like a small town sometimes.

Sam and I took the opportunity of HOTTEST DAY EVER to make a stop at the Beloved Soda Store, the 7-11 near our house. I got a big cherry Slurpee and a Diet Coke for later, Sam got a King Cone and a lemonade, and we even got a Dr. Pepper for Hubby. Then we recovered in the A/C.


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